Just The Facts about Sexually Transmitted Infections


What is it?

Urethritis affects people with a penis and means inflammation of the urethra (the urine and semen passage). The urethra can be affected by various sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The most common causes are infection with gonorrhoea and chlamydia; however, other bacteria or viruses may be involved.

How do you get it?

Urethritis can be caught by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex without a condom. It can also sometimes be caused by damage to the urethra (the tube you pee through) during sex play. Sometimes no specific cause can be found, this is called "non-specific urethritis" (NSU) of "non-gonoccocal urethritis" (NGU).


Sometimes there may be no symptoms of urethritis. If present, symptoms may include discharge (pus or fluid) from the urethra (urine and semen passage), pain or discomfort passing urine, or an uncomfortable feeling in the urethra or at the tip of the penis.

Is it serious?

Urethritis can often be treated with medication quickly. If it is not treated, however, the effects can be lasting and quite serious. The infection may spread to other parts of the urinary tract, including the ureters, kidneys, and bladder and lead to infertility (not being able to conceive babies.)

How do you get tested?

The best way to find out if you have urethritis is to have a sexual health check. A small swab is inserted into the tip of the penis to obtain a sample of fluid - this is then examined under a microscope to check for signs of inflammation. At the same time, the nurse or doctor will also do specific tests for gonorrhoea and chlamydia. You will need to take a urine test (pee in a pot). Other swabs may be required (e.g. from the anus and throat) depending on the type of sexual contact you have. If tests for gonorrhoea and chlamydia are negative, then the urethritis is usually called non-specific (or NSU for short). 

If your sexual health screen comes back negative but you are still symptomatic, you may have to go to a Sexual Health Clinic to check specifically for urethritis as Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa Clinics and Primary health care practices do not often have a microscope to determine if NSU is present.

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    The diagnosis of urethritis is usually only made in people with a penis :

    • with symptoms, or 

    • who have had sexual contact with someone with gonorrhoea or chlamydia

    Tests are best done when you have not passed urine for at least two hours.


If it is confirmed that you have urethritis or NSU from the microscope test, you will be given antibiotics. Your health professional will advise what is best for you. If there are signs of gonorrhoea at the time of examination then treatment is also given for this as well as treatment for NSU.


Urethritis can usually be prevented by using condoms correctly every time you have sex from start to finish.

Telling your sexual partner/s

If you are diagnosed with urethritis or NSU it is important that you tell your sexual partners from the last three months. The most common cause of urethritis is chlamydia, so sexual partners also need testing and, if required, treatment. Even if your STI check is negative, it is still advisable that your sexual partners get tested and potentially treated as current tests can occasionally miss chlamydia even when it is the cause of the urethritis or NSU. Read our page on How to tell a partner about STIs?

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