Herpes is a an extremely common long-term infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are two types of herpes simplex virus;
1. HSV-1, the most common type which causes facial (known as "cold sores") and genital herpes.
2. HSV-2, which usually causes genital herpes
Facial herpes and genital herpes have the same symptoms and are managed in the same way.
Herpes is spread through direct skin-to-skin contact, through kissing, and oral-to-genital and genital-to-genital sex with someone who has the herpes virus. This means you don't need to have penetrative sex to pass the infection on. You are not always infectious, and most of the time the virus is inactive.
Genital herpes often causes only mild or no symptoms because the immune system controls the virus. 80% of people with genital herpes do not know they have it. Symptoms usually occur within a month of contracting the virus; however, in some people they won’t see symptoms until years later.
Although genital herpes has no cure, it can be easily managed and does not lead to other serious health problems. The emotional impact of a diagnosis is often far worse than the physical symptoms.
There are no reliable tests for herpes unless you have symptoms. If you have symptoms your nurse or doctor or
sexual health clinic can confirm the presence of the herpes simplex virus with a swab test, in which a sample of the fluid from a blister, or a swab from ulcers, is taken and sent away for analysis.
There is no cure for genital herpes, but the symptoms can be controlled using antiviral medicines. Daily medication can prevent recurrences of the herpes virus and reduce the risk of transmission to partners. If you experience ongoing herpes outbreaks, ask your doctor or nurse or
sexual health clinic about
'suppressive therapy'.
Condoms used correctly every time you have sex from start to finish will provide some protection from herpes and offer good protection from many other sexually transmitted infections. However, herpes may be present in areas of skin that are not covered by condoms, so it is possible for herpes to be transmitted even if a condom is used.
There are no black and white rules for telling your partner you have herpes, and everyone needs to make their own decisions depending on the situation, but the fact is more people are accepted by new partners than rejected for having genital herpes.