On this page we look at 'sex anatomy' and genital health. It's important to remember that all genitals are different, and while some people's genitals might align with the presentations below, human beings and our bodies are diverse - so there will always be natural variations with all parts of our bodies.
As we like to tell anyone who will listen, the proper name for the external female genitalia is the vulva/werewere.
Check out The Truth Undressed for diverse vulvas in all their glory.
The vagina is the tube that leads from the pututana tara (vaginal opening) to the uterus.
The hymen is a collar of tissue attached to the vaginal wall just inside the vaginal opening - it's not a 'seal' across the vagina. Read more here.
The penis consists of the shaft, glans (head) and foreskin (unless someone has been circumcised, which is where the foreskin is removed). The tube inside the penis is called the urethra, which carries urine from the bladder to outside the body.
Just like other body parts, all penises are naturally diverse. Media including porn tries to tell us that having a large penis is the most desirable - but it's important to challenge this and remember that all bodies are good bodies.
Wash every day to keep the penis clean. If the foreskin hasn’t been removed, then it is a good idea to gently roll it back to clean the area underneath.
An erection is when the blood vessels in the penis fill rapidly with blood, causing the penis to swell and harden. Ejaculation is when semen (sperm cells + seminal fluid) is released from the end of the penis.